The Tremendous Influence of A Mother

Jim Davis

1 Timothy 5:14
2 Timothy 1:2-7
Titus 2:3-5

There was a Mother's Day card in the gift shop; it read on the front:

Mom, I remember that little prayer you used to say for me every day.

As you opened it, the inside read:

God help you if you ever do that again!

"There are some telling portraits of motherhood in scripture. There is the picture of Jochobed who cared so much for her son Moses that she broke the law to keep him safe and teach him the faith of his people. There is the picture of the mother who appeared before King Solomon who loved her child so much that she was willing to give him up forever rather than see any harm come to him. There was the mother of James and John who loved her boys so much that she wanted them to sit by the Lord's side, one on the right and one on the left, in the heavenly kingdom. The list could go on and on. The pictures that the Bible paints of mothers are not always perfect by any means, but there are always great lessons there." (Dr. David E. Leininger, The St. Paul Pulpit

I am reminded of a woman's influence by two wooden figures of a man and a woman we have on our wall at home. On the wooden figure of the man there is a sign that reads: "If daddy ain't happy, who cares." On the wooden figure of the woman there is a sign that reads: "If mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" I am glad that is not the only kind of influence that a woman has in the home.

"If you were blessed with a good mother, you will reap the benefits the rest of your days. If your mother neglected your needs and failed to support your dad, unfortunately, much of what you suffered cannot be erased. For good or ill, a mother's mark is permanent." (Charles Swindoll, Family Life, Multonomah Press, Portland Oregon, 1988, pg. 69.)

A Woman's Influence in the Home

Women who buy into the feminist message of today who believe they must be masculine, militant, rough, harsh and even mean are missing out on the best part of being a woman. They fail to understand the role that godly thinking women can contribute to the world through the home. In a day of a negative press against a mom's God given role, we need to make sure that we balance what is being said in the media with God's role for the woman in the home. There is absolutely nothing that compares with the influence of a mother. The influences of politics, education, and peers pale into insignificance compared to the influence of a mother. Of all the roles assigned to us on earth no role is more important than the role of a mother. Nothing is more important to our families and our nation than motherhood.

The following scriptures sound strange to modern ears, but it is God speaking about the role of women in the home.

1 Timothy 5:14
So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander. (NIV)

Titus 2:3-5
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. (NIV)

It is too easy to reverse our role as a parent. Too many read these verses and think "housekeeper" rather than "homemaker". A woman is one who makes a house a home through her godly influence.

A cartoon showed a mother sprawled out in an overstuffed chair, her hair disheveled and a frazzled look on her face. Toys and crayons cluttered the floor. A carpetsweeper was propped against the wall, and a dustcloth hung from her hand. As her husband came in from work, briefcase in hand, he gave her a quizzical look. Exhausted, she commented, "I'll be glad when the kids are grown so I'll have time to be a good parent."

God doesn't confine the woman's role to a housewife. A casual reading of Proverbs 31 plainly teaches that a woman is qualified to do anything a man can do and much more.

Peter reminds the women of the power of their influence in the home. It is ultimately the influence of a woman that has the power to shape lives.

1 Peter 3:1-4
Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. (NIV)

2 Timothy 1:2-7
To Timothy, my dear son: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. (NIV)

It was Timothy's mother and grandmother that influenced his life for God through their influence as Christian homemakers. Timothy got his faith from his mom and she got her faith from her mom. There is no mention of a father or a grandfather in Timothy's home. We know that Paul circumcised Timothy in Acts 16. His father was probably a Gentile. It is here in home of mixed religion that we see the influence of a godly mother even in less than idea circumstances.

As Paul looked at Timothy, he saw a young man strong in doctrine, strong in faith and he was ready to be a leader for the cause of Christ and the Kingdom of God. Why? Because of the godly influence of his mother Eunice, and her mother Lois. The greatest thing that Timothy's mother had going for her was that her mother was a believer.

Faith is certainly not inherited, but is surely passed from one generation to another through the godly influence of the parents. Timothy's family's faith created an environment for him to become a Christian.

"Four scholars were arguing over Bible translations. One said he preferred the King James Version because of its beauty, eloquent old English. Another said he preferred the American Standard Bible for its literalism, the way it moves the reader from passage to passage with confident feelings of accuracy from the original text. A third man preferred Moffatt because of its quaint, penetrating use of words, the turn of a phrase that captures the attention of the reader. After giving the issue further thought, the fourth scholar admitted, 'I have personally preferred my mother's translation.' When the other scholars chuckled, he responded, 'Yes, she translated it. She translated each page of the Bible into life. It is the most convincing translation I ever saw.'" (Charles Swindoll, Family Life, Multonomah Press, Portland Oregon 97266, 1988. pg. 72)

Mother's can Influence in Less than Idea Circumstances

King Lemuel wrote the famous Proverbs 31 portraying the beauty of a good woman. This chapter contains the teaching, which a mother had imparted to her son Lemuel. Lemuel was a name given to Solomon by his mother and father. Lemuel meant "belonging to God."

Do you remember how David acquired Bathsheba as his wife? Bathsheba was married to Uriah, the Hittite. One day as her husband was off to battle, King David saw Bathsheba taking a bath and decided he wanted her. He had her brought to the palace and slept with her. David sent her home, but she became pregnant with his child.

David sent Bathsheba's husband Uriah into battle to be killed in the line of duty. Then David married Bathsheba. The baby conceived prior to their marriage lived only a few days after its birth.

When God rebuked David for his sin, he confessed and Bathsheba was disgraced in the eyes of the people. The amazing thing about Bathsheba was that she became a great mother. Bathsheba taught her son Solomon Proverbs 31.

In Proverbs 31 Solomon reveals the things his mother taught him that a good wife and mother would be.

A mother must be strong in her conviction.

A mother must be dignified.

A mother needs a sense of humor, and should be optimistic about the future.

A mother should speak with wisdom, not with nonsense and gossip.

A great woman, wife and mother is kind and teaches by modeling compassion.

A great mother and wife is industrious.

A great wife and mother is strong and dignified, wise, kind, optimistic, industrious, unselfish, caring . . . and for all these things will be praised unendingly by her family. (This example from Proverbs came from Dr. David E. Leininger, The St. Paul Pulpit

"Rufus Jones often told a story from his childhood: It seems that one day when he was 12 or 13, his mother went to town, leaving him behind on the farm with some chores. He fully intended to do the work, but his friends' beckonings to play grew too loud. "When he saw his mother's car pull into the driveway that evening, his heart sank. He knew he was in for one of the worst whippings of his life. His mother parked the car and came into the house. She looked him straight in the eye. She didn't have to ask. "Rufus said he would always remember what happened next. It affected him as no whipping ever could. His mother took him upstairs into the bedroom, knelt down beside him, wrapped him in her arms, and, with tears streaming down her face, prayed one phrase over and over: `Lord, make a man out of him. Lord, make a man out of him.' "It is said that whenever Jones told that story his voice would grow quiet, his eyes misty, as he remembered that special feeling of `standing in the weeping arms of love.'" (Clergy Journal, Apr 1993. Page 36.)

How to Become A Great Mother

The influence a mother has on her children concerning the things of the Lord can make all the difference as to what kind of persons those kids become. "Mothers write on the hearts of their children what the rough hand of the world cannot erase."

A woman once wrote Gipsy Smith after an evangelistic campaign to tell him she had been converted as a result of one of his messages. She said, "I believe the Lord wants me to preach the Gospel, Brother Smith, but the trouble is that I have 12 children to raise! What shall I do?" She received this letter in reply: "My dear lady, I am happy to hear that you have been saved and feel called to preach, but I am even more delighted to know that God has already provided you with a congregation of 12! The new convert got the point!

Susannah Wesley, mother of John Wesley spent one hour each day praying for her 17 children. In addition, she took each child aside for a full hour every week to discuss spiritual matters. No wonder two of her sons, Charles and John, were used of God to bring blessing to all of England and much of America. Here are a few rules she followed in training her children:

1. Subdue self-will in a child and thus work together with God to save his/her soul.

2. Teach the child to pray as soon as he can speak.

3. Give the child nothing he cries for and only what is good for him if he asks for it politely.

4. To prevent lying, punish no fault, which is freely confessed, but never allow a rebellious, sinful act to go unnoticed.

5. Commend and reward good behavior.

6. Strictly observe all promises you have made to your child."

After one of the battles of the Civil War, a chaplain came to see a man who was dying. He took the young soldier's hand and said, "Brother, what can I do for you?"

The boy replied, "I want you to kneel down and return thanks for me." This is an unusual request from someone who is dying.

"Thanks for what?" asked the chaplain.

And the soldier said, "Thank him for my mother. Thank him that because of her I am a Christian. What would I do now if I were not a Christian? (Walter B. Knight, Ed., Knight's Master Book of New Illustrations, Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Co., 1956), p. 421


We must never diminish the roles God has assigned each of us in life. Wives and mothers you must understand that you are the most influential people in the entire world. That is the role God has assigned you in life. It was through the woman that God chose to shape us, give us form and substance and life!

There was a preacher's wife who was a woman of prayer. When her husband would leave for an important meeting or call, she would pray a sentence or two for him, asking the Lord's guidance and protection. When he would leave for services away from home, she would stop right after he drove away and ask God to give him wisdom and strength. She prayed aloud and the children heard her; but she never thought much about the impact it would have on them. Imagine her delight with what her daughter said when she was preparing to leave for college several hundred miles away. She said that going would be easier because she knew that as soon as she left, her mother would pray for her-- and keep on praying! Sometimes mothers feel frustrated because they are limited in what they can do for their children. But they can always pray, and their prayers are among the most cherished gifts of all.

Last Sunday we thought about abiding in the role in which God has placed each of us. Today is Mother's Day and the highest calling on earth is that of a Mother. Don't let the modern mindset rob you of your calling as a woman and mother.